Pest Sense
Transmitting stations
Online system
The forefront of technology in the pest control sector
The presence of pests is critical in aspects of public health and reputation, particularly at food and pharma sites.
A long response time from the time of detecting pests to discovery during periodical treatment by the pest control company allows pests to act and reproduce and exposes products and customers to significant risks.
Traditional monitoring by routine physical inspection of all measures at high frequency involves very high personnel costs and encourages increased use of poisons as compensation for the uncertainty.
most advanced technologies by wireless communication run on low voltage with very high reliability.
Products that transmit to the software
world’s most Compliant with HACCP principles for the avoidance and minimal and intelligent use of toxins, friendly to humans, the environment and animals.
All data gathered is sent to a secure server and warnings are sent to the customer
- Real-time monitoring, push messaging to mobile devices / SMS / email during pest activity.
- Option of working under outside conditions too, without connecting to the customer’s computer system or Internet.
- Full, transparent customer access to all data gathered and viewing the analysis of risks and trends.
- A prediction algorithm for alerts on the formation of optimal condition for the development of pests.
- True supervision of the working personnel of the pest control company, reflection of the time and frequency of treating the control points.
- The sensors and control products are manufactured at one of the world’s largest, leading factories and constitute
- Real-time monitoring, push messaging to mobile devices / SMS / email during pest activity.
- Option of working under outside conditions too, without connecting to the customer’s computer system or Internet.
- Full, transparent customer access to all data gathered and viewing the analysis of risks and trends.
- Tread traps for rodents
- Cage traps for rodents.
- Animal and pigeon traps.
- Detection of conditions for development in flying insect traps.
- Detection of conditions for development in insect monitors.